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Obituary for Sybill Huessen

By 6 February 2024No Comments


Obituary for Sybill Huessen

Sybill with the gentleness and power of water… whether you were just starting out in Chinese medicine and pulse diagnosis or had been in the profession for years… whether you were a student or had been teaching the profession for years… Sybill made you feel that you could learn it, that you had it in you and at the same time she could make you feel that you were just at the beginning and there was still so much to learn…

And she was willing to teach everyone this… Her only condition was: together we create a safe environment for everyone and everybody is willing to learn from each other… including herself. In love and with love, things could and should always be a little better… without pressure, but out of passion….

This is also how I got to know her privately. Warm, empathetic, curious, driven and so full of compassion….

So much compassion for the world around her, that it was sometimes too complex for herself. And yet there was always the warm, wise smile… and her kisses and hugs….

Yan Schroën